
My Love of Handiwork

I don't know what it is about doing crafts, but I've loved them since before I could really talk. Colouring, cutting, pasting, pom poms, popsicle sticks, I loved it all. Over time my crafting skills have evolved and grown :) I love to knit, crochet, sew, cross-stitch, you name it, and I love it! I don't know, but it seems like every time I sit down to work on a craft, I feel connected to a deeper past... like I can imagine myself hundreds of years ago doing something similar - working with my hands to create something that didn't exist before I put my hard work into it. So neat!

This love of handiwork has turned into a way to help me pay a few bills as we are a one-income family with me being a full-time Stay-at-Home-Mom. About a year ago I started a little crafting business, working mainly on all the "fad" items for baby girls: tutus, hairbands, and hats. So check out my How Cute page for all of the latest and greatest items. I'm currently having a big clearance sale over there with all items at wholesale, rock-bottom prices. Don't miss out on getting some handmade, infused with love, items for you, or someone you know --- and thanks for your support :)