Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Luke's Birth Story- part one (before the hospital)

Well, it's kind of hard to believe our baby boy has arrived! Mitch and I are enamoured and still kind of in shock over the fact that, together, we made this little guy.

So before I forget what actually happened during the hours leading up to/during/shortly after our son's birth I thought I should write it down. And because reading other people's stories helped me envision my own experience I am posting it here for any travelers to stumble upon :)


March 22, 2012
8:34 am
8 lbs 7.7 oz.

It all began on Wednesday I guess. I got up that morning, went downstairs to make Mitch his lunch and spend some time together before he headed off to work. I remember him saying, "Luke, it's time to come out. We want to meet you." We both laughed and Mitch left for work for the day. It was a gorgeous day and decided to do some laundry and hang it on the line. Other than that all my chores were done. I had nothing else to do but relax. So I went to the living room and tried to get my mind off of being overdue. After browsing the Internet for "natural ways to induce labour" and learning lots, my sister-in-law called and then came over with my niece for a little visit. It was so nice to have company and visitors since I was starting to find the time home long.

Anyway, the rest of the afternoon was spent doing laundry, vacuuming, talking with my mom on the phone, and just generally relaxing. It was 25 degrees outside so I even took a book and caught a little vitamin d :) it was during this afternoon that I began to feel a little gassy and ended up pooping 2 times ( which is rare for me... My gluten intolerance has me a once every two days kind of gal). I really didn't think much of it though.

I should mention that at my last doctor's appointment they scheduled me for induction for Thursday morning... I wasn't happy about this and had decided to call the labour and delivery section of the hospital, early on Thursday morning, to tell them that I wouldn't be coming in and would like to wait longer as my baby,at the time, was only 1 week late.

Mitch texted me in the late afternoon to check in with me. He then put he idea of going to the food court at the mall for crappy Chinese food for supper. The Inside of the house was hot and I didn't really feel like cooking so I was game.

Mitch arrived home from work shortly after that and we took Jack for his nightly walk. Then headed off to the mall. We enjoyed a junk food supper of Chinese food and then a DQ blizzard for dessert. We waddled around the mall a couple of times and headed home.

The remainder of the evening was spent relaxing in front of the TV, and just sitting and talking. Finally at 9:45 we headed up to bed. We got settled all cosy under the covers, and just like every night for the past 9 months, Mitch talked to my belly for a few minutes, read a story, and kissed me. He added his nightly salutation of "Goodnight and sweet dreams. I love you." He rolled over and went to sleep.

I laid there and silently said my prayers. When I was done I felt my first contraction... although I didn't know it was one. It just felt like bad gas pains, like what I would feel if I were to eat wheat. I looked at the time and it was 10:09. I continued to lay there trying to fall asleep.

Exactly 20 minutes later I felt it again. I decided to get up and try going to the bathroom, but once I was there the pain had stopped and I couldn't go. So I waddled back to bed thinking, "Hmm something's up". And so I began to time the "gas pains" when the next one happened (11 minutes after the second one). Here is what I tracked:
10:42. 10:52
11:03. 11:10
11:19. 11:33
I decided to wake Mitch up by this time to let him know that I was definitely having contractions. And that it was really uncomfortable to lay-still so I was gonna be getting in and out of bed a lot. Knowing this whole labour thing could take a while he went back to sleep.

From 11:40 onward contractions were coming every 4-6 minutes. I remember liking the consistency because I could enjoy the down time between contractions, knowing I could be comfortable for 4 full minutes was a great relief.

At around midnight Mitch woke up and checked to see if I was ok. I jokingly said, "oh this is gonna take a while. I am guessing the baby will come around 8:30. We won't head to the hospital until 6:30 ish."

2:16- by this time things were getting a little more uncomfortable so I decided to take a shower. I woke Mitch to tell him just so that he could keep an ear out in case I needed him. I had more contractions while I was in the shower. And boy are "they" right when they say water helps relieve the uncomfort.

Most books you read about childbirth advise first time moms to go to the hospital after contractions have been consistently 5 minutes apart for an hour. Well, the book that I decided to trust - Natural Hospital Childbirth- said to stay home as long as possible in order to avoid pressure of intervention from the nurses and OB's. So we decided to ignore the one hour rule.

By 3 am Mitch couldn't sleep.. He said he was getting excited :) So he decided to get up and give Jack his morning walk ( 3 hours earlier than normal ), and have a shower. I sat and bounced/swayed on my exercise ball through all of this.

At 3:30 we were sitting in the kitchen, Mitch was eating breakfast, I was drinking water (trying to prevent dehydration during birth) and the car was all packed up and ready to go, and we looked at each other and said we were bored. Yes, bored. Everything was done and ready so it was just a waiting game from there. So, we talked about it and chose to head to the hospital early... There'd be no traffic to fight with, parking would be easier to find, etc. And at 3:45 we got in the car and headed to the hospital.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Natural Hospital Childbirth Plan

As the birth of my little boy approaches I thought I better put all of my thoughts and heartfelt desires for my birth onto paper, to have at the ready when it's time to go to the hospital.

I would ideally like to have a home birth, assisted by a licensed mid-wife. Well, living in New Brunswick,Canada where midwifery is allegal and where currently there are no certified midwives accepting new clients, this ideal cannot be a reality for me. And although I would do a home birth with "just" a doula, Mitch is not comfortable with that. So, we will head to the hospital when labour happens.

So here it is... my plan for a natural hospital childbirth (extended version):

I am planning a natural, intervention-free birth. I have never done this before, and although I'm a little nervous, I am hopeful, prepared, and determined. Please support me in this endeavour.

-I would like to begin labour naturally. I know that artificially induced labour can hurt more than a labour that begins on its own, and I really don't want to have to use pain medicines.
-If my water breaks first, I would like to wait for contractions to begin on their own. I am prepared to try natural ways to augment the start of contractions (walking, nipple stimulation, etc.)
-I know it's a "frivolous" request but I would really feel more comfortable in my own clothes during labour, birth and post-partum.

-I request that I have the fewest number of people in the room as possible (please no extra students, residents etc. Just the doctor, nurse and baby nurse)
-I would like to have no other visitors or guests, etc., before or during labour. It should be just me and my husband.

-I request that only intermittent fetal monitoring be done and that I not be hooked up to an IV so that I can be mobile throughout this stage of labour.
-I request that vaginal exams be limited (one upon arrival to the hospital and one when I feel the urge to push). I don't want to be disappointed by a low number.
-I am aware that pain medications are available. If I need them I will ask, so please don't ask me if I want them.
-I plan to manage my pain in a variety of ways: changing positions, using an exercise ball, walking, using water (shower/ tub), etc.
- Please do not break my water... I would like that to happen on its own

-I would like to choose the position in which I push in ( this most likely will not be on my back)
-I would like to push without coaching or "counting to ten". I will push and breathe at my own pace
-As long as my baby and I are healthy I prefer no time limits on pushing
-please use perineal massage and warm compresses on my perineum
-I would rather risk a tear than have an episiotomy... Please get my consent before doing an episiotomy.
-please do not use forceps or a vacuum extractor unless absolutely necessary... Again please get my consent before using them.

If the heart rate if my baby becomes a concern I would like to do the following:
-eat and drink something to see if the extra sugars will wake the baby up
-change positions to see if this moves the baby off of his umbilical cord
-after this, I'd like to have the heart rate checked with a handheld Doppler
-please rub the baby's head to see if his positively affects the heart rate

- I STRONGLY hope to avoid a cesarean section. However, if one becomes necessary I would like my husband to be present at all times of the operation.
-I would like to touch/hold my baby as soon as possible... Before an examination of the baby.
-I would liked husband to be with the baby at all times

-I'd like to hold my baby immediately after birth as I know how important skin to skin is
-I'd like the staff to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsing before clamping it
-I would like my husband to cut the cord
- I do not want routine Pitocin post-partum. I have confidence that the uterine contractions that occur when breast feeding my baby will help deliver the placenta and stop any hemorrhaging
-I would like to have all routine newborn procedures post-poned until after I have held and breasted my baby. I would especially like to post pone eye ointment
-I would like all newborn procedures to be done in my presence, while I am ( or my husband is) holding/touching the baby.
-NO HepB vaccine! I understand it is important that my baby receive the full gamut of vaccinations as a baby but I would rather delay them and do them on my own schedule.

*If at any time there are complications and the baby has any problems I'd like my husband to be with the baby at all times!*

I am excited to bring my baby into the world naturally, and I am excited to bring him home as soon as possible. I would prefer to be discharged as soon as we can, especially at this time of year where whooping cough and Norwalk virus are around. I understand that I will have to being my baby back for PKU testing within a few days and will definitely do this. I have always struggled with being comfortable in a hospital and would just prefer to be back home with my family and personal support system as soon as possible. This will allow me to rest better, and will allow me to relax and bond better with my baby and will allow my milk to let down more easily as well.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this over and for all of your patience and understanding. This once in a lifetime experience (having my first baby) is something I look forward to with anticipation and joy.

Friday, March 2, 2012

And So We Wait

Well, once again I apologize for being MIA on this blog for the past few months. I really have no excuse. So instead of dwelling on it I am just going to move onwards and upwards and assume most of the people that read this will forgive me :)

I guess the biggest thing to update you on us the fact that I am now 38 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. Yes, I have survived the roller coaster of emotions and physical changes that come with being pregnant for the first time-yahoo!- and now I can truly say I really have loved every minute of it. Sure the morning sickness and the mood swings and the exhaustion is difficult but I believe that it just makes the reward of bring a life into this world that much more meaningful. The Lird has blessed me with the ability to co-create with Him this little boy that is growing inside of me... what an incredible privilege it is!

I have to say that the last 9 months really have brought Mitch and me closer together. We have been together for 8 and 1/2 years now (5 dating and 3 1/2 married) and I can say - with much confidence- that we are ready to be parents together. We aren't naive to think that having a baby is going to be all sunshine and lollipops. We know it's going to change our lives for ever, but we also know that we will be there to support each other through it all. We know that our love brought this life into being and we can trust in that love.

So, now that the 9 months is over, and our little boy is considered to be "full term" we simply get to wait. We'll wait for the last leg of this incredible journey. We'll wait for the real work - the labour - to kick in (I've been sitting at 3cm dilation for the past 2 weeks). And when it does, we will be excited to bring our little "Luke" into our lives. I am nervous but excited for the delivery process but I am able to stay relatively calm about it knowing that I will have my incredible husband by my side, and our ever-present Father watching over us all.

I can't wait to hear that little cry and to hold my baby boy for the first time.