Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Third Trimester Thoughts

*Deep Breathe* Ok so I am 33 weeks pregnant with this little man (currently karate chopping my insides with great intensity as I type), and it's finally starting to feel real.... I'm going to have another baby in my life soon. I'm going to be a mommy of two boys. Wow.

As the days to delivery day are winding down, I am starting to really get excited now. I spent the last two days doing laundry, taking out the big rubbermaid bins of Luke's old, out-grown clothes, and washing the itty bitty sleepers and onesies that were so significant 28 months ago. Seeing them hanging on the line, I forgot how tiny my rambunctious toddler was *tear*.  Folding the teeny tiny socks that are small enough to fit my cat, made me think back to the wrinkly little toes that once wore them. It's emotional... remembering, with fondness, the firsts with Luke, and anxiously awaiting a reliving of sorts with this little sprout.

And yet, I know there are still plenty of firsts to experience with both boys. Luke and I have been spending a lot of time in the baby's room these days. Luke has been adjusting to having some of his old stuff taken out of his room (a carpet, his dresser, some "babyish" stuffed animals, toys and books), and we have had a few melt-downs and, in turn, extra snuggles. But, once he's realized that he can still come into the baby's room and play with the old toys, and read the old books, he has been content. Meanwhile, again, I've been sorting through clothes and putting things away. I'm excited for the first time I get to see this little bump. I'm excited for the first time Luke meets his little brother. I'm excited for the first fluffy newborn bum (we only started cloth diapering when Luke was 4 months old). I'm excited for the first time I get to take both boys out for a walk... will Luke want to be carried like his baby brother? I'm excited to nurse again... yes I've enjoyed a few months break but now I miss it... I wonder will Luke want to nurse again too? I'm excited to see Mitch with his two boys for the first time. I'm excited for everything *sigh*.

Thanks, as always, for checking in and reading my random ramblings. These were simply today's third trimester thoughts and ponderings.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Life as a Stay At Home Mom .... not always easy.

Ever heard of the book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Day"? Oh my goodness, today was just one of those days. You know what I'm talking about don't you?! One of those days where nothings seems to go as planned; where you constantly take two steps forward and three steps backward; where you feel like a failure as a wife and as a mom. Today, the summer's heat, the hormones and exhaustion of being 31 weeks pregnant, the patience-testing actions of rambunctious, strong-willed toddler, all compiled into one heaping blow to this stay-at-home-momma's ego. I'm not one to complain, most of the time. But today's blog-post is simply a chance for me to vent. Feel free to leave now, or  read on at your own risk and see exactly what made my day so rough.

My day started out pretty good, with sleeping-in to a whopping 6:40!  But then it all seemed to go downhill from there. The morning was filled with potty mishaps. Luke has been day-trained for nearly a month now, with very few accidents. But he made up for that today! Luke pooped in his nighttime diaper  first thing this morning, and it was messy and stinky and since we use cloth diapers required nearly 5 full minutes of work. Not fun!

Then we headed downstairs to really get the day going, and get breakfast and Mitch's lunch ready. Of course we ran out of my favourite kind of cereal so I had to mix kinds in order to get a full bowl--- yes I know I'm whining, but I'm allowed..... first world problems. Oh, and I put too much fruit in the blender for the smoothie so I had to keep stopping it and stirring it because I ran out of room for more liquid. Yes I realize this is a minor disturbance but it still was just another thing to add to today's list of complaints.

After Mitch left for work, Luke and I went and read some stories on the couch, and he promptly got up and ran over to the potty and, for the first time ever, pulled his own underwear down to use the potty! Victory!!! Well, he had another gross poop, and when he poops I've been letting him watch "TV" on my ipad so that he gets distracted and it's not such a scary thing to poop on the potty. Well, he was watching, and refused to get up for me to wipe his bum and clean the potty. He just wanted to sit there and said more poop was coming.... well here set in the mommy guilt of allowing my toddler to watch too much TV first thing in the day (more on this topic in a future post).

After the potty fiasco we went back to reading stories on the couch. Luke must have been so enthralled in my riveting story-telling skills that he forget to go to the potty to pee.... and ended up peeing all over himself, the couch and my leg. So, an extra load of laundry had to be done on top of the other 6 that were waiting for me in the laundry room.

Well, it wasn't long after I got that sorted out, that it was time for Luke's nap. Naturally, he didn't want to nap today (he normally naps for 2-3 hours everyday). He was in surprisingly good spirits and after our routine of reading two stories, he simply talked and played with is favourite stuffed animal, "Soup" the monkey, while I laid beside him. I dozed off, but awoke to hearing Luke grunting beside me. I asked him if he needed to go to the potty and he said, "No Wuke go in diaper". So up I got and ran him over to the potty, taking off his diaper getting poop all over the floor. He sat down and finished then up he got with a messy but and ran into the office. Thankfully he didn't smear it anywhere in there, and I was able to clean up the mess in the bathroom efficiently. But it was not a fun way for me to wake up. Oh and Luke was wide awake and wild and was making it clear that there was no way in heck he was going to sleep today.  So, naturally, this made me a little cranky.... this momma needs her break each day.

I decided to tackle the laundry, and had the majority of it folded and ready to be carted upstairs to be put away when Luke decided he needed to unfold everything a make a pretend "motorcycle" with every last piece of clothing. So there was a good 40 minutes  of time and energy wasted.

Next was vacuuming, I vacuumed the entire main floor very thoroughly --- trying to get every last crumb, speck of dirt, and piece of cat and dog hair. And I followed that up with tidying up the kitchen counters, table, desk, etc. I was feeling somewhat accomplished after that. Of course that didn't last. Luke insisted on helping me make pizza for supper and proceeded to dump flour everywhere. Then get down and run through it and track it through the kitchen right into the living room and his "motorcycle" of clean laundry. So all of that hard work spent on trying to "keep house" was for not. Oh and to top it all off, when I leaned down to start wiping up the flour I ended up aggravating an old injury from my University Volleyball days and have a very sore back at the moment --- normally I'd treat it with my trusty Wintergreen Essential Oil, but of course it's not recommended to use while you're pregnant.

I am happy to be "done" being mom and wife for the day. It's time for me to take a little "me" time, and get some school work done. I'm sitting here enjoying a "cold one" (don't worry it's just rootbeer) and some dark chocolate covered almonds.  Here's a toast to all of my fellow stay-at-home-mommas... no one said it would be easy, no one said we wouldn't make mistakes, and sometimes we have days that cause us to wonder "Would my child be better off at daycare?", but at the end of the day I can sit back and say, I wouldn't give it up for the world.... but give me a few good days before the next terrible, horrible, no good one please!